I just passed the SCWCD on the first try with 65% .
I found it a really hard exam and I do admire the people who pass with high scores.
If you want to pass with a higher score than I did, you probably should put a LOT MORE TIME in it than I did. I read HFSJ about half a year ago for the first time. After that I absolutely did not do anything but the regular programming. A week ago I studied the book for a second time. I scored about 50% on the final mock exam. I did some other mock exams and scored around 80% on those. So I figured I will probably just make it ... and did.
So the 20%+ rule seems to apply, but
you should be careful though.
The actual exam was really tough. During the exam I was absolutely convinced I did not pass it. I got really a lot (like 10) drag and drop question. I also got two questions which contained spelling mistakes in the answers (e.g. Lisetner instead of Listener). I still don't know whether they do that on purpose.
I also found the questions on Design
Patterns (on which I used to score really good) difficult and confusing.
Anyway good luck to all of you who still have to go,
cu around at the ranche,