Dear guys:
After waiting 4 months (28 weeks), finally I got the
test result:
I would like to thank all of you who give me the help during me preparing this test.
General Con: 100 100
Documentation: 70 70
OOD: 30 30
GUI: 40 28
Locking: 80 80
Data Store: 40 20
Network Server: 40 40
Total: 400 368
some information about my application design.
My assignment is URLBird ,I used three tier to design my application.
I found a bug in my locking section after submiting my assignment, but I mentioned it in my eassy exam, they still give me full mark.
I didn't use lockmanager, I implement locking function in Data class directly.
For gui part, I didn't provide server side gui, maybe that is the reason I got 12 point reduced
[ May 08, 2007: Message edited by: mark ken ]
[ May 08, 2007: Message edited by: mark ken ]