Gave the Exam Yesterday and managed a reasonable score - reasonable because i was expecting to touch the 90 fort but the Questions on Security stumped me.
Here is how i prepared :
For 1 month i read :Building Web Services with
Java & used Dr.Google [Non Certification Perspective]
The reason for the above being , the web services space is changing very fast with horde of specs lining up, i needed to know the latest
Sep 1 - Oct 7 i read
RMH [This shouldnt be your first book on Web Services, but a must read]
BluePrints [Very Helpful on Architectural Concepts]
MZ's Quiz [The Good thing about the Quiz was that it helped me survive many pitfalls which i would have otherwise made in the exam for sure]
MZ's notes[I prefer making my own notes but what struck me was the time spent/concepts gained ratio when i read his notes on Security.That part is a must read.Perhaps i didnt read it good enough and got slayed on security questions.]
Took the xyzws exams and of course MZ's quiz...i would recommend you to take the xyzws exam only towards the end, since there are only 200 questions..taking the
test again and again gives you some new questions but also instills a false sense of watch out for that..
Hope these pointers help other aspirants.
Happy Hunting
[ October 09, 2007: Message edited by: Rahul Mishra ]