I post in Programmer Certification instead the Sun Certification Results section because here are some suggestion for the real
scjp exam
after my previous post
Am I prepared for scjp yesterday I pass the scjp with 88% !
I'm so happy
This is my experience
I come from 2 years in
java programming, I studied 1 full month 5-6 hours/day on the K&B book.
These were my scores before I taked the exam
78% examulator
71% K&B cd exam
66% diagnostic ex. whizlabs
62% 1st pratice ex. whizlabs
71% 2nd pratice ex. whizlabs
72% 3rd pratice ex. whizlabs
65% 4th pratice ex. whizlabs
74% final whizlabs ex.
note: I've done all of these very fast (I finish them 90min after the end of the total time) and I didn't review the questions
One only thing that nobody say but for me is very important...
On the real exam the Drag&Drop questions are really really frustrating!
Because you have to click on a button to open a window where you can drag&drop the code to complete the question. Now if you close the question and return to it later and click one more time on the button to review it all the question will be cancelled. You have NO WAY to review your precedent drag&drop question. So when you finish answer all questions and maybe still have an half hour to the end of the exam and maybe you've marked some drag&drop q. you can not review them or you have to reanswer them all!
I think this have NO SENSE and is NOT ACCEPTABLE for a sun exam!
In my exam I've had an half hour after all the questions but I didn't reopen the drag&drop because I don't really remember if I've marked them because I've thought to answer them later or to review them later!
so I think it's really possible that in my 8 wrong questions there were drag&drop questions that I've not absolutly reply and that I've not reopen with the fear to view my previous q. cancelled.
So Watch out!
another point is that i take 88,88% but they round the result to 88

, they didn't use printf("%.0f", 88.888888)!
At the end the real thing is that I pass it!!
thanks Kelvin Lim thanks Jesper Young thanks Burkhard Hassel thanks all the moderators
I want to thanks you all here on the ranch forum. Thank you so much
[ November 07, 2007: Message edited by: al nik ]