Thanks.. What i found out that code based question were easier then theoritical question.
I would say 25% are very easy which you would have faced in Marcus exam or HF mock exam.
50% are medium.
You should be able to answer 40% easily if you have done enough practise. You need to write code and try out various combination to see the output.
25% i would say were difficult. And theory question asking about the container and security were bit tough.
You should give the marcus exam and the HF mock exam.
As far my preparation goes:
I read HF book twice
Read selected topics from Marcus tutorial
Read selected topics from
Servlet Spec (Security,Filter,deployment descriptor)
Read selected topics from
JSP Spec (jsp standard actions)
Read selected topics from JSTL Spec (core tag)
Went through the API of PageContext, JSPContext, All Tag related interfaces and classes. Also ServletRequest, HttpServletRequest API..etc..
Pracised with sample code for EL, Custom Tags, JSP Standard Action, Error Page handling etc.. You need to practise JSP related topic very well.
Last 2 days I went through the Mikalai Zaikin notes for 1.4. They are really good and are the best option to read on last day before exam.
Also i went through Peabody on SCWCD
patterns. they are also very nice. although i answered one question on pattern wrong
Best of luck to all of you..
Prem Kashyap
[ May 12, 2008: Message edited by: Prem Kashyap ]