Adam Roberts - SCJP2, SCJD<br />insert witty something here
Rich Brown,<BR>You can always do it!!!
Ashik Uzzaman
Director of Engineering, Twin Health, Mountain View, CA, USA
If I am rich, I will spend more.<p>IBM 486 (OOAD & UML) & 141 (XML) passed<br />Oracle 1Z0-007 passed<br />MCSD MCDBA MCSE <br />SCJP SCSSA<br />CCNA CNA A+
Adam Roberts - SCJP2, SCJD<br />insert witty something here
Muhammad Hussain<br />Sun Certified Java Programer (SCJP2)<br />Sun Certified Web Component Devloper SCWCD
Muhammad Hussain<br />Sun Certified Java Programer (SCJP2)<br />Sun Certified Web Component Devloper SCWCD
Sun Certified J2EE Architect for the J2EE Platform (Part 1)<br />Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the J2EE Platform<br />Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
Reid - SCJP2 (April 2002)
Originally posted by John Ringo:
I've known people with a CS degree that couldn't code a thing or even hook up a disk drive.
I like the certs, because I control the when/where of study.
Originally posted by John Ringo:
I've known people with a CS degree that couldn't code a thing or even hook up a disk drive.
Would you turn that thing down? I'm controlling a mind here! Look ... look at the tiny ad ...
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