Originally posted by Stephen Wei:
Hi, I do not quite understand this post. So does it mean that IBM expire the old version certifications, like Microsoft does?
Actually, Microsoft stopped retiring certifications. It's now possible to be an 'MCSE for NT 4.0' instead of just an MCSE - they basically just added the software version to the title.
For example, if I become a Websphere Server 4.0 specialist, if IBM pushes out 5.0, then my certificate will expire? That means I can not write it (including the version) on my resume and business card???
According to the agreement we got with our packets from IBM, yes, we're supposed to stop using the certification title when they 'retire' an exam. In theory, exam 488 (WAS, Advanced Single Server Edition "VAJ edition") was being retired in favor of a revised exam (158, WAS, ASSE, "WSAD edition") on 30 Jun '02, but the retirement date's been pushed back now to the end of the year.
My major issue is the having to recert every 6-9 months. I got my 3.5 certification in May of 2001. By November, I had to re-up to 4.0, and being told in April of 2002 that I had to 're-do' my 4.0 certification seemed rather unfair (especially in light of 5.0 coming out later this year, iirc). Granted, they do offer opportunities for free vouchers, but it's the principle of the thing, coupled with the cost if one misses the voucher...