ust cleared ibm
test 488 with 73%(passing score is 57%). This is the lowest score I got among other tests I took this year:
scjp, ibm 283, 486, 483, scea-I. I felt it was the most difficult
java certs I took since I had little VAS 4.0 experienc and I was not well prepared. Now my
j2ee certs tour will be closed except the scea-II/III
Below is my experience to prepare for 488:
1. Didn't read any red books.
2. Did read most the articles listed on
my web page. It is really helps especially for the part 7 & 8 in the test.
3. For the people without WAS experience,
you should deploy some toy projects in the product following the instructions of the tutorials, at least doing it in your brain like me. Ater doing that, I am confident to assemble and deploy my j2ee apps on client sites without errors(maybe). Since I couldn't download WAS with my 28.8k modom, even I could download it, I couldn't install it on my computer(65 RAM with Win95 OS). I got 11 ouf of 15 questions in part 7 & 8.
3. Took ibm 488 sample test and whizlab's trial test. Thanks Axel for your long post, it helps
alot! I think these 83 sample questions are enough. Reading articles is more important in term of learning new technology and passing the test quickly.
There are some discussion taking which test (488/158), I think it depends: 488 is the best one for me since:
1. It is faster for me taking test 488 than taking 158 since I had some experience in developing j2ee app with VAJ 3.5 last winter, it really save some of my precious time to play soccer

. I got 4 out of 8 questions in part 6 - VAJ, it is faire since I didn't spend any time on it.
2. If you got IBM certified Enterprise Developer under your blet, who cares the difference between Visualage based or WSAD based? I really enjoy JCert's "Certified Once, Recognized Everywhere"! Switching an
ide is a simple task. After using VAJ for some time, I tried Jbuilder by myself and just felt comfortable using it with little learning curve. Plus the market may need more migration ejb projects currently.
I think that JCert Level 3 +
SCEA is best combination of J2EE certs path.