posted 21 years ago
The "next certification" one should take is the one that shows either experience in a given area, or a willingness to learn new skills. A certification in and of itself rarely will land you a job, so taking test after test in hopes of bulking up a thin resume rarely does much to help.
Now, that's not to discourage folks from taking certs while job hunting. Heaven knows that's what I did last year while unemployed for three months - between when I quit my job and landed my new one (which I don't recommend doing at any time, but did because I wasn't being paid), I took my SCWCD, IBM exam 488 (WebSphere AS 4.0, VJ based) and IBM exam 489 (WebSphere 4.0 admin). It wasn't a great solution but it accomplished two major goals: it showed potential employers that I was actually keeping busy while unemployed and I was proving experience with tools and technologies that I'd gathered at my prior job.
The problem with going for the 'latest and greatest' (or just getting 12 certs for the sake of having 12 certs) is that an applicant can look like they're either chasing whatever's hot at a given moment, or are spread too thin knowledge-wise. The best way, imho, to decide what cert track to follow is to figure out which one goes where you want to be in three years and move in that direction, which avoids those two problems.
Just my $0.02.
Theodore Casser
Code Poet