Ok, here's are the residual questions.
...it goes on with :
Web Development Which of the following can be specified or configured in the web.xml file?
A. DataSource and
JDBC Driver configuration
B. HttpRequest Configuration (Such as timeouts)
C. JavaBeans References
D. ** Servlet and JSP URL Mappings
Select the best answer.
Where within the Web project named Sales should JSP files be located?
A. Sales/source
B. ** Sales/Web Content
C. ** Any user defined sub-directory of Sales/Web Content
D. Sales/Web Content/META-INF
Select 2 answers.
When using the Create JavaBeans Web Pages Wizard, which of the following elements are created?
A. ** Front Controller - Class that invokes calls on the model and displays an appropriate view.
B. Singleton - Class for which only a single instance exists and provides access to the database.
C. ** View Helper - Wrappers which do the work of retrieving and displaying the data.
D. Factory - Classes that create the necessary JavaBeans given the type.
Select 2 answers.
When using the Create Database Web Pages Wizard, which of the following elements are created?
A. ** Front Controller - Class that invokes calls on the model and displays an appropriate view.
B. Data Access Broker - Class that encapsulates all the data access calls.
C. ** Master View - Displays the entire result set of an SQL query.
D. Singleton - Class for which only a single instance exists and provides access to the database.
Select 2 answers.
When using Page Designer, what is the BEST way to ensure that all of the headings on all of the web pages in a Web Project have the same font?
A. Manually change all of the headings.
B. Use the Heading Editor and CSS Manager.
C. Use a Cascading Style Sheet to set the font for the headings.
D. ** Use a Cascading Style Sheet to set the font for the headings and then apply the Cascading Style Sheet to each page.
Select the best answer.
(For example select link in the styles-view. Then select a .css file from the web content (i.e. webApplication folder in V4).)
When using the Insert JSP Get Property dialog to insert bean attributes into a JSP from within Page Designer, which implicit objects can the developer see?
A. request
B. ** requestContext
C. application
D. pageConfig
Select the best answer.
(JSP->Insert Get Property. You can see request AND application -> ??)
At the time of creating a Web project, if the "Create a default CSS File" check box is selected, where would the CSS file be created?
A. /Web Content/lib
B. ** /Web Content/theme
C. /Web Content/style
D. /Web Content/css
Select the best answer.
If a Web project depends on an utility JAR, what should be modified within WebSphere Studio to indicate this dependency?
A. Create a Dependent JAR project and import the utility jar into it.
B. ** Add the utility JAR to the Web Project's Java build path.
C. Define the utility JAR in the Web project's web.xml deployment descriptor.
D. Select the utility JAR in the "Available dependent JARs" list of the Web project's module dependencies window ??
Select the best answer.
(To select the utility jar in th "Available dependent JARs" list it has to be imported to the corresponding Enterprise Application before..)
For the Web project named Sales, which folder represents the document root?
A. Sales/Web Content/web
B. ** Sales/Web Content
C. Sales/web
D. Sales/Web Content/WEB-INF
Select the best answer.
Which of the following statements are TRUE about the Content Assist feature available in Page Designer?
A. ** To request content assist, press Ctrl+Space.
B. Content assist can be used to complete words in the dictionary.
C. ** Content assist can ONLY be used on the Source view.
D. Content assist validates HTML pages.
Select 2 answers.
Running Applications Which of the following session tracking options are available from the server configuration editor?
A. Default invalidation timeout value
B. ** Enable URL rewrite option
C. Enable protocol switch rewrite option
D. Enable SSL tracking option
E. ** Enable cookies option
Select 2 answers.
(In the web-tab.)
Which of the following are ways to export a WAR file?
A. Select a Web Application in the J2EE view and click the Export WAR File button from the toolbar.
B. ** Select File -> Export -> WAR file and choose the Web module from the dropdown list of web projects.
C. Right-click an Enterprise Application in the Server Configuration view and select Export -> WAR File.
D. ** Right-click a Web project in the Navigator view on ANY perspective and select Export -> WAR File.
E. Right-click a Web module in the Server Configuration view and select Export -> WAR File.
Select 2 answers.
During a local debugging session, which of the following changes to either the application or the test environment require a restart of the test server?
A. Modifying the servlet to use a different Data Source object
B. ** Modifying the JNDI name of the Data Source object used for connection pooling
C. Modifying the usebean tag in a JSP to use a different Java class
D. ** Changing Session Tracking from URL Rewrite to Cookies ??
Select 2 answers.
(A : Modifying the servlet restarts the server automatically if options is selected (by default))
During a debug session, a developer makes a change that requires a server restart prior to continued debugging. Which of the following accomplish this task?
A. Reselect the component under test and click on "Run on Server".
B. ** From the Servers view, select the test server and click on "Restart" from the context menu.
C. From the Servers view, select the test server and click the "Start the server in debug mode" icon.
D. ** From the Servers view, select the test server and click the "Restart the server" icon.
Select 2 answers.
What can a Java Classpath Variable represent?
A. ** A file, typically a .jar file.
B. The location of a Java JRE.
C. ** A folder on the file system.
D. Java property file.
Select 2 answers.
Which of the following side effects occur as a result of creating a data source on a WebSphere Test Server (local or remote)?
A. A database is defined on the addressed database server.
B. ** A Connection pool is created upon starting the test server.
C. ** When started, an entry is added to the test server's JNDI namespace.
D. An entry is added to the local database catalog.
Select 2 answers.
Debugging Which of the following are TRUE regarding method entry breakpoints?
A. ** They can be disabled from the Breakpoints view.
B. They can be set from the outline view of the Java source.
C. ** They can be set from the outline view of the binary class file.
D. They can be set by double-clicking on the dark column on the left side of the Java source editor.
E. **
Thread execution will suspend before any line of code in the method is executed.
Select 3 answers.
While stepping through code, the debugger encounters a breakpoint and suspends the execution of the thread. The breakpoint is at the following statement: System.out.println("Displaying employee: " + emp.getName() + "\n"); What happens when a developer "Steps Into" this line of code? Assume the source for the class implementing "emp" is available.
A. The console shows: "Displaying employee: "
B. A dialog indicating that no source is available for java.io.PrintWriter appears
C. The debugger steps into the getName() method of emp
D. ** The debugger steps into the StringBuffer() constructor method.
Select the best answer.
(Why not A ??)
When stopped at a breakpoint in a JSP, which of the following statements are TRUE regarding the Variables and Debug views?
A. The Variables view displays the HTML widgets on the page and their current values.
B. ** The Variables view displays in-scope variables for the generated servlet.
C. ** The Variables view displays the JSP implicit objects.
D. The Debug view shows stack trace information for the HTML stream.
Select 2 answers.
A developer is debugging a program, and the debugger has suspended at a breakpoint. The developer needs to change the value of variable "Integer i" from its current value of 10 to a new value of 15. Which of the choices below will accomplish this task?
A. On the Variables view, double-click "i", and change 10 to 15 on the edit field that opens.
B. On the Variables view, select "i". From its context menu, select "Change Variable Value", and change 10 to 15 on the edit field that opens.
C. ** On the Variables view, expand "i", select "value=10", and from its context menu, select "Change Variable Value", and change 10 to 15 on the edit field that opens.
D. On the Display view, enter i = 15, select the statement, and from the context menu, select "Display".
E. ** On the Display view, enter i = new Integer(15), select the statement, and from the context menu, select "Display".
Select 2 answers.
(It's an Integer type not an int. Therefore A, B. D are wrong)
While stopped at a breakpoint in the Debug perspective, how can a developer find the calling sequence that led to the current execution point?
A. Examine the output on the Console view, which contains a line indicating each method entry point.
B. Examine the output on the Outline view, which shows the call sequence when a program is stopped.
C. On the Processes view, expand running threads and examine the call stack.
D. **On the Debug view, expand the suspended threads and examine the call stack.
E. On the Navigator view, select the current thread, and from its context menu, select "Call Sequence".
Select the best answer.
While debugging, a developer steps into a very long method. The developer determines that the problem is not being caused in the first half of the method. The developer would like to quickly reach a line near the end of the method. What is the BEST way to achieve this?
A. Click "Go to Line" and enter the line number for the desired line.
B. Set a breakpoint on the line just after the desired line and click "Resume".
C. ** Click on the desired line, and select "Run to Line" from the context menu.
D. Click "Step Over" several times until the desired line is reached.
Select the best answer.
Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Display view of the Debug perspective:
A. Variables in scope can be altered.
B. Variables in scope can be inspected.
C. Methods of objects in scope can be executed and their return values displayed.
D. Valid Java expressions can be constructed, executed and their results displayed.
E. ** Non-contiguous lines of code can be selected and executed.
Select the best answer.
Where can breakpoints be set in JSPs?
A. On lines containing just HTML statements
B. ** On lines with mixed HTML and Java scriptlets
C. ** On lines containing just scriptlets or expressions
D. On lines defining or using JSP Custom Tags
E. Only on lines inside the <body> ... </body> tags
Select 2 answers.
A Scrapbook page can be used for which purposes?
A. ** Make notes and keep code snippets under version control.
B. ** Evaluate expressions and display the results.
C. Set breakpoints and debug code.
D. Run code and evaluate expressions in the context of a suspended thread.
E. ** Experiment with code segments before incorporating them in a formal class method.
Select 3 answers.
Data Within the Data perspective, what operation CANNOT be applied to a schema?
A. Add a new Table.
B. Delete an existing Table.
C. ** Apply the schema to a different database.
D. Generate DDL.
E. Rename the schema.
Select the best answer.
(You can copy the schema to another database by drag&drop. This is an apply to the new database, isn't it ?)
To specify a host variable within the SQL query builder, which syntax is correct (depending on database used)?
A. $host_variable_name or !host_variable_name
B. ?host_variable_name or *host_variable_name
C. ** :host_variable_name or @host_variable_name
D. %host_variable_name or #host_variable_name
Select the best answer.
(Sybase, SQLServer and MySQL use @host_varaibale_name, all other vendors use :host_variable_name)
Which of the following database management systems are supported by WebSphere Studio v5.0?
A. ** DB2 Universal Database
B. ** Cloudscape
C. ** Microsoft SQL Server
D. Jasmine
E. ObjectStore
Select 3 answers.
Loading a database catalog or metadata into a project is accomplished by selecting:
A. ** a database element (in DB Servers view), and clicking the "Import to Folder" context menu item.
B. a database element (in DB Servers view), and clicking the "Import to Project" context menu item.
C. a project (in Navigator view), and clicking the "Import Database Catalog" context menu item.
D. a project (in Navigator view), and clicking the "Import Database Metadata" context menu item.
Select the best answer.
Good luck in your exam