What if we want to be expert in one area and wants to have knowledge of many areas ?
When we looking for solutions for different problems or troubleshooting a problem, I guess having knowledge about different areas helps to quickly identity, refer and solve the problem. I disagree with maintaining the knowledge that we have. I suggest we better not maintain the knowledge and let it be in the background
thread. I agree it would be difficult to answer questions in the job interviews. But i guess the job interviews should mainly take into consideration on the job experience. They may be some wild questions on the knowledge side but I don't think it would be considered for decision making.
I feel that one should not try to maintain the knowledge that one acquired by learning. We should allow it to forget. Instead try learning something else if we have time. Over a period of time we will grow to be a better overall guy or a generalist.
At the same time we should not forget to keep the expertise in one area so as to clinch jobs. on the job, whenever possible try to convert the background knowledge to foreground experience by applying in solving the problems that we face on the job.
Also, I wanted to mention one mis-conception about product exams. I guess many product exams have atleast 50-70% practical questions which involve conceptual knowledge and high level of analytical ability. Atleast I could say the IBM Websphere exam (158) have lot of analytical questions and the jCert Enterprise Developer cert is better than Sun's Enterprise Architect for experienced people. For beginners in J2EE,
SCEA is better, since it has assignment associated with it.
Overall my observation is IBM exams are more practical and analytical than SUN's exams.
I agree with your points based on appearing for interviews. But, I guess we can handle it by not mentioning the certifications on the resume till we get the on the job experience.For guys who have 1-3 experience it is better not to have too many certiicates on the resume.
[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: Ashok Talluri ]
[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: Ashok Talluri ]
[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: Ashok Talluri ]