posted 20 years ago
Hi Michael,
If you dont mind, you can use another way round to get certified.
You can 1st take Oracle 8i exam. It consists of 5 papers:
1z0-007: Intro. 9i SQL
1z0-023 - 1z0-026
I forget what they exactly are, but they should be Oracle Architecture, Network and Performance tuning.
And then, you can take 1z0-030 Oracle 9i Upgrade.
Since Oracle enforced 9i DBA to take certificate, but she does not enforce it in upgrade exams.
So, you can still get certified.
If you want to have some materials, pls leave me a PM.
SCJP 1.2, OCP 9i DBA, SCWCD 1.3, SCJP 1.4 (SAI), SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 (Beta), ICED (IBM 287, IBM 484, IBM 486), SCMAD 1.0 (Beta), SCBCD 1.3, ICSD (IBM 288), ICDBA (IBM 700, IBM 701), SCDJWS, ICSD (IBM 348), OCP 10g DBA (Beta), SCJP 5.0 (Beta), SCJA 1.0 (Beta), MCP(70-270), SCBCD 5.0 (Beta), SCJP 6.0, SCEA for JEE5 (in progress)