I have some questions that I wonder, could you help me a favour?
5. Given the design goal of having an application be as robust as possible, which techniques should the developer AVOID in the design?
A. Use persistent HttpSessions to manage application state data.
B. Use stateful session EJBs to manage application state data.
C. Make references to node-specific resources.
D. Make all resource references via java:comp/env JNDI references.
Select 2 answers.
Should this be A, C?
The question is asking which options should be avoided, and thus, I think we should not use presistent HttpSession to store data.
9. When setting up the JMS server, in a test environment which is already running message-driven beans (MDB), which of the following properties MUST be configured to correctly communicate messages to a new MDB?
A. Queue JNDI name
B. Initial state to: Started
C. Queue name
D. Connection factory JNDI name
E. Listener port name
ANS :- b,c
Select 2 answers.
I am a bit wonder, since the server is already configured to support MDB, we now just add a new one. Thus, there should be no effort for the server part.
In Howard's book pages 210 and 211, when we create a new MDB, we need to provide the listener port name, and thus, I think E is one of the answers.
How about another one? I guess should be B, as A and D are related to server config, and C is not required in the DD, while Destination Type is required.
Any comments are welcome. Thanks.
[ March 25, 2004: Message edited by: Nicholas Cheung ]
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