Lots of things become clear, when you stop thinking /Viktor Pelevin/
Best Regards,<br />Serge
Some people believe "J2EE Web Services" by Richard Monson is the best book on the topic.
SCJP 1.2, OCP 9i DBA, SCWCD 1.3, SCJP 1.4 (SAI), SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 (Beta), ICED (IBM 287, IBM 484, IBM 486), SCMAD 1.0 (Beta), SCBCD 1.3, ICSD (IBM 288), ICDBA (IBM 700, IBM 701), SCDJWS, ICSD (IBM 348), OCP 10g DBA (Beta), SCJP 5.0 (Beta), SCJA 1.0 (Beta), MCP(70-270), SCBCD 5.0 (Beta), SCJP 6.0, SCEA for JEE5 (in progress)
Originally posted by Erik Bengtson:
I would say that you just need to read the IBM redbook and work some hours in the WSAD 5.1
Most, if not all questions, were based on the redbook.
SCJP, blog
SCJP 1.2, OCP 9i DBA, SCWCD 1.3, SCJP 1.4 (SAI), SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 (Beta), ICED (IBM 287, IBM 484, IBM 486), SCMAD 1.0 (Beta), SCBCD 1.3, ICSD (IBM 288), ICDBA (IBM 700, IBM 701), SCDJWS, ICSD (IBM 348), OCP 10g DBA (Beta), SCJP 5.0 (Beta), SCJA 1.0 (Beta), MCP(70-270), SCBCD 5.0 (Beta), SCJP 6.0, SCEA for JEE5 (in progress)
Most, if not all questions, were based on the redbook
SCJP 1.2, OCP 9i DBA, SCWCD 1.3, SCJP 1.4 (SAI), SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 (Beta), ICED (IBM 287, IBM 484, IBM 486), SCMAD 1.0 (Beta), SCBCD 1.3, ICSD (IBM 288), ICDBA (IBM 700, IBM 701), SCDJWS, ICSD (IBM 348), OCP 10g DBA (Beta), SCJP 5.0 (Beta), SCJA 1.0 (Beta), MCP(70-270), SCBCD 5.0 (Beta), SCJP 6.0, SCEA for JEE5 (in progress)
Section 1 - Architecture and Core Concepts (15%)
Identify suitable opportunities to apply Web Services
Select appropriate Web Services features for effective interoperability according to WS-I (Web Services Interoperability)
Evaluate performance considerations and trade-offs
Describe the core features of WSDL (Web Service Description Language), UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) and SOAP
Select serialization and deserialization models for Web Service messages
Select strategies and mechanisms for error handling
Section 2 - Develop Web Services (27%)
Use appropriate smart guides (wizards) to create Web Service
Create and edit a WSDL document
Create a top-down Web Service from a WSDL document
Create a bottom-up Web Service from a JavaBean, EJB or URL
Create JavaBeans for XML Schema
Select the appropriate Web Service transport
Evaluate and select the most appropriate Web Service run-time environment
Encode binary content
Section 3 - Access Web Services (10%)
Develop a dynamic client using UDDI4J API
Create a WebSphere User Defined Function
Generate or reuse a proxy client
Section 4 - Package, Deploy, and Publish (15%)
Deploy from WebSphere Studio Application Developer to a WebSphere Application Server
Navigate a UDDI registry and publish elements using Web Services Explorer
Understand and update Web Service and client deployment descriptors
Add transports using End Point Enablers
Utilize command line tools to automate as appropriate
Section 5 - Testing and Validation (11%)
Effectively use Universal Test Client
Configure and use a UDDI test registry
Validate WS-I compliance levels
Use the TCP/IP Monitor to test and debug Web Services
Test application using Web Services Explorer
Section 6 - Security (11%)
Evaluate and select Web Service security options
Use digital signatures for authorization and authentication with PKI
Configure server-side and client-side role-based security
Section 7 - Web Services and Java (11%)
Map Java to WSDL as defined by JAX-RPC
Utilize the JAX-RPC client API to invoke a Web Service
Apply the J2EE compliant model for Web Services as defined by JSR109
SCJP 1.2, OCP 9i DBA, SCWCD 1.3, SCJP 1.4 (SAI), SCJD 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 (Beta), ICED (IBM 287, IBM 484, IBM 486), SCMAD 1.0 (Beta), SCBCD 1.3, ICSD (IBM 288), ICDBA (IBM 700, IBM 701), SCDJWS, ICSD (IBM 348), OCP 10g DBA (Beta), SCJP 5.0 (Beta), SCJA 1.0 (Beta), MCP(70-270), SCBCD 5.0 (Beta), SCJP 6.0, SCEA for JEE5 (in progress)
Maybe he went home and went to bed. And took this tiny ad with him:
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