Hi all,
finally (just before the expiration date of the voucher) I've decided to complete the ICED certification with the IBM-287 exam, cleared after a little more than a week of preparation.
I've focused my study on Howard Kushner's book &
J2EE specification V1.3, but I've used also the "SCWCD exam study kit" as a reference for Web components; anyway I recommend you to concentrate mainly on Kushner's book.
ICE 287 test has been of great use and I must admit that Nicholas Cheung was right saying that real
test contains a lot of ICE test questions somewhat "revised", so I suggest candidates to focus attention mainly (but *not* uniquely) on the test areas covered by the ICE tests.
J2EE (EJB & Web) questions are usually of easy/medium complexity if you are an experienced developer/architect, so I suggest you to concentrate mainly on these areas if you have not a strong developer experience with WSAD environment and time is short.
My next goals:
SCEA (I'm waiting for beta) & PMP.
Thanks to all the people that have contributed, with their precious suggestions/hints, to the greatness of this group, that can be undoubtedly considered a starting point for all people preparing to take IBM & Sun certifications.
Good luck.
[ June 30, 2004: Message edited by: Massimiliano Mercogliano ]