Guys Thanks for the links to 486 preparation .
Axel I took 287 last month and 484 on 30th of June.
James , I passed the 484 in 2 days prepartion because I didn't read a lot on
EJB and WEB components . But I can give you good references for prepartion .
I will give you break up of Questions first so that you can focus on what objective you want to prepare most . My advice is prepare EJB ,
JSP and
servlets the most and you will score good :
1 . J2ee Architecture 10 questions
2 . Web Component Development 11 questions
3. EJB 15 q
4. Client development 5 q
5. Connectivity services (JMS , JASS , JAC ,
JDBC , RMI ) 11 q
6. Assembly and deployment 4 q .
I scored 90% in both J2ee architecture and Connecitivity services .
For Objective 1 you can read chapters 2-4 from following .
Title: Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform _applications_2e/index.html
In addtion to this
you should know about j2ee and GOF design
patterns .
I work on live j2ee projects so i had good idea for them , for quick readings you can refer : Also besides J2ee patterns , please prepare for some GOF patterns like : Command , Factory , Abstract Factory , singleton .You can find some short and good articles on .
For Objective 2 , the best book to prepare is
SCWCD Exam Study Kit:
Java Web Component Developer Certification
by Hanumant Deshmukh
This is the best book to prepare for that objective and you won't need to refer anything else .
For Objective 3 , EJB I you can use
Title: Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition
Author: Richard Monson-Haefel
or Use the Mastering EJB from Ed Roman , both are good books .
To prepare for EJB questions a good resource is Also refer to the prepartion notes from SCBCD exam links section on JAVARANCH . MOST important part is CMP beans and CMR . Also EJB excepetion handling and Transactions .
Objective 4 : You can read some client samples from EJB books mentioned above also you can read Chapter 2 from the book listed in Objective 1 .
Objective 5 : Questions for this objective are not that tough but you will have to do lot of reading . But the questions target the basic functionality and do not cover full details .
So you can read one tutorial for each of the J2ee API covered under this .
for JMS :
Read chapter 2-5 completely .
FOR JASS : Tutorial for JCA : FOR JAXPI : read webservices tutorial Chapter 7 on Objective 6 : Go through Web deployment chapter in the book listed for Objective 2 . And for EJB deployment read the chatpter in the book listed on Objective 3 . Also read the deployment chapter from the book listed in Objective 1 , which will cover overall j2ee application level deployment .
Please let me know if you need something specific .
Thanks ,