I've just two other remarks on the book of Mr. Kushner.
1�) about transactions p.425
It's said that
J2EE application client components may also perform transaction, but they must access the transaction directly through JNDI as follows:
UserTransaction transaction = (UserTransaction)jndiContext.lookup("jta/usertransaction");
It's contradictoty with the J2EE1.3 spec 9.3 p.118 that states that
application clients are not required to have direct access to the transaction facilities of the J2EE platform. A J2EE product is not required to provide a JTA UserTransaction object for use by application clients
So, the solution provided by the spec: use of
EJB's transaction facilities as well as
JDBC's ones.
2�) One month ago, I've asked about the location and the way to get the
client-resource.xmi file where the the resource references for application client are resolved. NO RESPONSE FROM ANYONE IN THIS FORUM, as well as nothing except of the mention of the file name in MrKushner's book p.417).
I've found the solution by reading the excellent redbook
EJB2.0 DEvelopment with websphere Studio Application Developer (p.632).
- Run the clientConfig.bat file
- navigate to the exported ear
- expand the client.jar -> JMS Providers -> Websphere JMS Provider -> WASQueueeConnectionFactory
=> a file named client-resource.xmi is added to the client.jar file inside the EAR file.
=> we can extract this file and import this into the META-INF folder of the client project so that no error occurs during execution in WSAD.
It's a pity that nothing about the Application Client Resource Configuration Tool was ibn written in ibm 287's book.
By the way, this book can be useful although i prefer the EJB2.0 development redbook that is much more practical and dives much deeper in details
[ February 07, 2005: Message edited by: cyril vidal ]