Whenever anyone asks this question, I tend to give the answer of, "it all depends on what you're interested in working on."
Okay, yes, for instance I have a lot of certifications - I'm something of a jack-of-all-trades around the office, so I've had the time to get experience with all sorts of things. (Though I'd admit that the SCMAD was more my own interest than anything we're ever going to work on, as far as I see in the foreseeable future.) But certifications shouldn't be the driving factor of what you learn next - how it's applicable to what you want to be doing should be more the direction you go.
Still, recommendations after SCBCD. I think it depends on if you're intending to work in an environment that's more web application based (SCWCD) or web-services based (SCDJWS). Or perhaps you're contemplating more an architect's role in the organization rather than a developer's (
SCEA). Finally, if the firm you work for, or the companies you're looking at working for, use a specific technology such as WebSphere are WebLogic, you might look into the individual company's certification plans.
Just my thoughts.