Hi all,
just cleared IBM Websphere Portal V5.1 Application Development
test with 66% score.
I must thank all people who shared their experiences on JavaRanch site and Cameron for his enormous effort to put together visual tutorials on his site and publishing mock exams, those were really helpful to me for taking this exam in just 3 weeks time.
I got low score because I never got WPS from IBM site so couldnt test most of the exam topics like local/remote debugging, backend services, SDO, C2A, Portlet wiring tool, installation and trouble shooting etc.
If anybody wants to take IBM 399 test...
1. Please visit Camron's website, go thru his tutorials, mock tests etc.
2. Study well JSR 168 specifications.
3. IBM Red Book for IRAD 6.0 Portlet Development.
4. Infocenter.
SCJP, SCWCD, IBM 287, IBM 399.