Scooby Snacks for everyone...<br /> <br />SCJA, SCJP 1.4
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
Alejandro<br /> <br />SCJP 5 (SAI)
Originally posted by Theodore Casser:
Not really an attack, so bear that in mind. You have some of your information incorrect in the original post.
Actually, there is an equivalent to the SCJP exam for Microsoft, and you mentioned it - 70-536, the .Net 2.0 Fundamentals exam. (I should know - I'm studying for that currently.) To get the MCTS certification from Microsoft, though, you need to take two exams - 70-536 and one of three technology-specific exams (70-526 (Windows Apps), 70-528 (Web Clients) or 70-529 (Distributed Apps)). It's why it seems like the MS program is better preparation for the real world, which is to say that you're not noticing the required first step. If you look at the page for 70-528 that you referenced, and clicked on the link under 'Credit Towards Certification', you'd have seen that.
So to answer the issue that you raised... the two programs aren't that different. The difference falls in the fact that MS does not issue a certification specifically for their language/framework fundamentals exam. Either way, to get the certification that pertains to web component design (MCTS for Web Clients or SCJP/SCWCD), you need to take two exams.
My personal preference is the way Sun does it - there's an exam that states to a potential/current employer that you know the basics of the language and can, in theory, be expected to program competently. Once you have that, you can move on to role-specific examinations like SCBCD or SCDJWS that suit the direction you're taking your career. (I suspect that my preference is also from a point of view of "immediate gratification" - the biggest frustration I'm facing with the MS exams is the fact that I'll have to sit for a second one in about a month to get the MCTS cert - as well as some loyalty to Java over C#.)
From having been on the far side of the hiring table, I also know that I would not likely hire someone who had only the SCWCD without the SCJP - I would want to be sure they have more flexibility by knowing the basics than simply the technology-specific features covered by the later exam. Likewise, I wouldn't be as inclined to hire someone who passed 70-528 unless they'd passed 70-536 and thereby proved they knew the fundamentals of their chosen language. I might be odd thinking that, but I doubt it.
I think that, in the end, what matters most is making sure you know what you're getting into with a certification program. Whether it's one exam or two or five to get to that certification, be prepared.
Scooby Snacks for everyone...<br /> <br />SCJA, SCJP 1.4
Originally posted by Michael Raymond Jr.:
Well, I was using the 70-528 as an example, but the 70-536 is still better than SCJP.
And while you need both the 70-528/536 to be MCTS, you still end up MCP on each INDIVIDUAL test. So while you can't say you are MCTS in Web Dev or whatever, you could potentially say MCP in <insert exam taken>.
And as I understand (maybe i"m wrong on this since I just started looking into it), but you do not have to take the 536 before the 528 and vice versa, even if MS recommends it. I went through the 70-528 book myself, and I don't see why one would need to do the 536 exam first anyways. Just seem like two totally different tests.
Anyways, I still think the 536 is better than the SCJP(any version).
The 70-536 just seems to better prepare candidates to build applications, not just learn the C# or VB language, like how the SCJP only prepares candidates to learn the Java language.
I've only briefly read the MS books related to the two exams we've been discussing, but I've throughly read the SCJP books and they are not as good(the authors are brilliant, just some of the objectives and many test questions suck).
Again, I think the SCJP in its current form is only useful for two purposes:
- One if you want to pursue the higher certs, or more role specific certs from Sun (SCJP, SCWCD, etc), but only because it's a mandatory pre-req
- and two, if you have experience and want to separate yourself from others, but with this scenario I think it's value is limited
The other certs (ie MCAD, MCSD) seem significantly more encompassing compared to the SCJP or that and a combination of one other Sun cert, I don't even think it's worth comparing. I'm not comparing those anyways, but you are more than welcome to create a new thread discussing why those are similar to the SCJP and/or whatever.
There was another point I failed to mention about the MS vs Sun certs in my first post. Do note I'm mainly talking bout the SCJP and the SCWCD (less familiar with). The Sun prep books discourage readers from using an IDE(and they seem to think this is good) so 'we can learn the language better', I guess.
Perhaps that's true, but in the real world people use an IDE. Nobody busts out notepad and writes a full scale program in bloody notepad. They should incorporate eclipse, or Jbuilder, or something other than the retarded command line SDK. Again, just another reason why the MS certs better prepare candidates than do the Sun certs. Knowing an IDE is a skill in and of itself. MS press book do not discourage this and in fact you almost have to use Visual Studio.
I'm not bashing the Java language, just comparing the specific certifications, and pointing out what I think are flaws with Sun's SCJP content, its questions, and their structure in obtaining the higher level certs. SCJP 1.5 is a bit better than 1.4 I will say to their credit.
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
Scooby Snacks for everyone...<br /> <br />SCJA, SCJP 1.4
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
Yohan Liyanage
the questions in SCJP is somewhat weird as well.
Originally posted by Michael Raymond Jr.:
- and two, if you have experience and want to separate yourself from others, but with this scenario I think it's value is limited
SCJP 5 & 6, SCWCD 5, SCBCD 5
The spirit you should have while preparing for a new certification should be pretty different. You are spending your time and sacrificing your free-time to aquire a better and deeper knowledge of a certain technology. With that knowledge you refine your skills, find confidence in what you do, stop to program with a "trial and error" approach, hoping your code never blows up in your face. By studying a cert you BECOME better prepared, you are not merely CONSIDERED so by others. And it is with your work quality excellence that avoid being fired in crysis situations and allows you to gain promotions and more challenging (and satisfying???) tasks.
Originally posted by David Marsh:
Working hard and continued learning at work and in my spare time are mandatory parts of being in IT to me, certs are just a way to have more structured learning with proof for employers.
You could probably compare certs to a karate black belt, does a black belt make you a good fighter ? Maybe. Are there many good fighters in the world that don't have a black belt you'd better believe it, and they'd eat the average black belt for breakfast.
SCJP 5 & 6, SCWCD 5, SCBCD 5
Theodore Casser
Code Poet
and that's why I would still (personally) mention having attained the appropriate certification. Expiry doesn't mean that you suddenly lose the skills...
Originally posted by David Marsh:
Of course central is whether you see certs as educational quals merely indicative of some understanding or if you see them as 'certifying' knowing how to use an exact product version. I see the first as a more useful approach, especially as the training courses and materials often don't keep pace with the technology. Also I'd rather teach knowledge, things like algorithms, DHCP etc. Not trivia or facts masquerading as knowledge like do you know the name of the HashMap class or do you know what a M$ dialog looks like.
A good workman is known by his tools.
Originally posted by Marc Wentink:
Hi, I am doing 70-528 at the moment, and I did SCJP5 recently. I must say that SCJP5 sometimes teaches you to be 'the javac compiler'. Nevertheless knowing all semantics does help you speeding up writing your code a bit, you do not have to copy and paste code. Also SCJP is more then java semantics, it's also threading, some API knowledge et cetera. I actually did not think it was useless, nor that 100% of the stuff was usefull, something in between.
And then I think a lot of human resource dude, only see you have a certification anyhow, put a mark 'he knows java stuff', and do not even know what computer language semantics are. So in that sense it still has use.
But I agree in the exam there is too much focus on sneaky 'does not compile' answers. What use is it to know, after carefully examing some code for a minute, that there is a semicolon missing in the code of the mock question when the compiler can check that in a 1/1000 second?
For SCJP I would say, cut down these stupid trick questions on semantics and then pull up the limit for passing from 59 to 70 percent. Then it would be more usefull.
Scooby Snacks for everyone...<br /> <br />SCJA, SCJP 1.4
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