I've done it.
I am now a IBM Certified Developer!
Here are some points on my sitting experiences...
On the Score ============
My score range to Seventh of A Century besides my expectations
in 90's.
The BreakUp -----------
Information Modelling25%
Xml processing10%
Xml Rendering5%
Xml Query 19%
(Implemenation &
Testing..? Is it Nonagree? Strange terms!)
The least of my score was 57% in XML Query & best was 94% in Design.
Please Note , My break was entirely different! Did they change?.
My Overall View on the Test ---------------------------
"Book Syntax will alone will not make you get thru
You need to be good at relating IT business models" Anyone who is in highend cutting edge realtime will get thru
My Realtime exposure to business model implemntation helped me a
lot!!..a lot!.
Anyone working in projects with legacy systems and XML applications?,You can be the guru there in the test.
On the Test -----------
- I had only radios to click(No multiple choices or Fill ups)
- It is more of "How do you think this might fit here".
- All the answers seems to be correct, but stress on words like
MOST LIKELY, LIKELY, NOT LIKELY, BEST etc.(you need to understand to choose them!)
- Some had exibits , XSL outputs etc.,
- Some were easy (may be 10%).
- You are required to know 'Why this technology evolved?, What is the purpose of this new technology ?, What are its objectives?, What are its Shortcommings?
(I highly recomment this point, I don't find any book materials giving you this. The only good source are web articles, specs)
- Time is bit sticky, be carefull. Since most of the questions makes you think & choose, you have to be very carefull!!
- None of the mocks,(brainbench etcetc) help you to doing wonders. Ofcourse Mocks may not provide you judgement issues, business modelling etc.,
- I had very few direct questions.
My Preparation --------------
- Duration was around two weeks. (Guys i warn, please do not take it for granted. You may require atleast more than a month. Read the NextPoint..!)
- I am leading a team for b2b projects. I implement XML with C++ &
Java. It helped me solve problems in the test(I am proud I got 94% in Design).
- Books..!! I had only book 'XML BIBLE', I had read some chaps of book.
- Specs..Specs..Specs. The real things is there.. I had lots of those..
- I did very little research on XLinks & related, Schemas.(May be I am not experienced using those).
- I am a guy of probing cutting-edge issues. It really helps.
- I had good exposure to XSLFO, but got only one Question!!.
- Last but not the least, the JavaRanch., Thnak to Ajith.
Map & Ajith , how does my experiences sound you?
I am moving towards UML.(the final part for my ICSD)
Best Of Luck,
[This message has been edited by manj ananda (edited June 21, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by manj ananda (edited June 21, 2001).]