Even though 70% is not what I expected to receive for this exam, I have to thank all who post to this group because without it I would never have realized what I was up against...
I thought I knew this topic inside out. I have heard everyone on this board say how difficult it was and they are not wrong. The difficulty of the exam seemed to be harder than any of the sample exams I have seen.
That said, it has been the most rewarding to pass..
For those interested, here is what I learned from:
Inside XML - Got the basics from this book but it was not good enough for this exam.
Professional XML (2nd ed.) - You MUST have this book. I read chapters 1 -> 5, 10, 11, 20, 24, 27
Professional XML Schemas - Highly recommended. I read chapters 1 -> 9
Inside XSLT - Excellent book for XSLT, good easy to understand examples throughout.
SAX2 -
Java based SAX book.
Other stuff...
XML@Whiz - Could not have done it without these.
http://www.whizlabs.com/ ICE exam reference:
http://viktor99.virtualave.net/IBM141a.html IBM article on security:
http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/s-xmlsec.html Some useful links:
http://www.javaranch.com/xml/XMLexamList.jsp I didn't look much at this but it seems like it has some good stuff:
http://www.perfectxml.com/Certify/ Good luck to you all
Darren Kingham
MCSD, SCJP2, SCWCD, IBM Certified Developer - XML & related technologies. [ April 22, 2002: Message edited by: Darren Kingham ]