Hello ranchers!
I have great news!
I passed the exam today. I scored 73%.
The exam was difficult, I can't deny.
- No questions involving syntax about XSL-FO. Only questions like: what can you do with XSL-FO that you can't do with CSS. What is XSL-FO designed for?
- Many questions about XML Schema. Have to know the details very well. When can you use simpleType and when can you use complexType. Inheritance of types. How to use KEY/KEYREF.
- Some questions about DTD. Pay attention on parameter entities!
- Some questions about
SOAP: how is SOAP is composed. One question about UDDI and one question about WSDL. In my opinion, you don't need to deeply learn these concepts, only the basic. Ex.: what is required in a SOAP message (header, body, envelope).
- Some questions about XPath. Ex.: what elements will be returned in a given expression. I think there were 6 questions involving XPath.
- XPointer: only the basic, no syntax. You have to know what XPointer can do, what kind of documents it can link.
- SAX: about 6 questions. Given a problem, select the best technology: DOM or SAX. What are the limitations of each one. Ex.: DOM uses too much memory resources, SAX can't do randomic access.
Have to know all the classes of SAX and DOM. Their features and principal methods.
At this moment it's all I can remember. Maybe I post more tips latter.
For the ones who already passed in this exam, have you received the Certification Kit Contents from IBM?
- A certificate
- Wallet-size certificate
- A lapel pin
- Certification Logo
How long does it take for me to receive this certificate? About 1 month?
Finally, I would like to thank everybody who contributed to me, relating their experiences, advises and orientation. I think I could not have passed this exam without your help.
Anyone who wish to ask me questions about this exam can send me an e-mail to '
[email protected]'. I'll promptly try to clear your doubts.
Bye bye
good studies for all you!
Luciano Queiroz
IBM Certified Developer - XML and Related Technologies
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the
Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform