SCJP2<br />IBM Object-Oriented Analysis/Design & UML<br />IBM Certified Developer - XML and Related Technologies<br />IBM Test 483 J2EE Connectivity<br />IBM Certified Specialist - IBM WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Single Server Edition for Multiplatforms, V4.0
Originally posted by Niraj Sheth:
Hi guys,
I passed this exam with 90%. First of all I would like to thank you all for sharing all your doubts and knowledge on this forum. This site has been a great help in preparation for this exam. Believe me, exam is not hard at all if your preparation include lots of practice to clear your concepts. Here is my score report.
Information Modelling 86%
XML Processing94%
XML Rendering100%
Testing and Tuning100%
There were lots of scenario based question. They were not hard at all. Answers were really obviour for those question.
Lots of questions on XML Schema, XSLT/XPath, DOM and SAX.
some quesitons on XML and DTD.
2-3 questions on SOAP, WSDL & UDDI.
1 question each for XLink and XPointer. ( Just concepts no details )
No questions on XML Signature, XML Encryption or XML Query were asked.
My preparation :
I regularly visited this forum. I got lots of my doubts cleared just by looking at all posts and replies on this forum.
Professional XML ( 2nd edition ) for following topics.
XML and DTD ( chap 2 to 5 )
DOM & SAX( tried to write some code to have a good level of understanding )
SOAP, WSDL & UDDI ( Just understand it. You don't have to remeber all the details of it. has goo tutorials on these topics )
For XML Schema, you can't find better resource than those Roger's ppts. You can find those at There are 2 ppts. Also don't forget to download It contains some additional ppts with lots of good information on Schema. They will really help you consolidate your knowledge of schema. And DO all the labs that comes with the ppts.
For XSLT and XPath, I have used XSLT book of O'Reilly. It is really a good book. I also went through XSL and XPath tutorials downloaded from I did lots of practice to understand these technologies. Those 50 tips on are also good.
I have read lots of article for different topics from, IBM and others. Once again PRACTICE A LOT to clear all your concepts and understand all technologies and their practical use.
Jagdeep Singh<br />SCJP;SCWCD;IBM Certified XML Solution Developer;SCBCD1.3
Scott Duffy<br />:: MCSD, SCJP, IBMXML<br />:: Author of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">IBM XML Certification Guide</a><br />:: Author of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">How to Do Everything in JavaScript</a>, Osborne Press
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