I've been a long time lurker on this board, and used it mostly for researching Websphere/java material, and used this forum in particular to help me pass my 141
test. So a big thanks for all contributors, especially those who took the time the consolidate and explain the sample 141 exam q&a.
As for my background, I've worked with XML programming for about 1/2 a year almost 2 years ago, then recently using Weblogic Studio. It took about 3 days of intense cramming to prepare for the test.
My study material:
1. IBM sample test
2. this forum
3. book: Professional
Java XML... I liked this one because most of the book was on java and the explanation of XML concepts was kept to a mininum, just short enough to cram but insightful enough for me to answer questions.
4. witscale demo
5. Whizlab
very good sample test by someone, non-commercial 7.
for XSL FO My comments:
It helps to have experience or at least work with the examples in the books. I just ran a couple of DOM, SAX, and XSL examples... not too many but enough for me to get a feel.
Since there's a pool of questions and not all tests are the same, don't assume that if another posters says there are 5 XSL FO questions and 1 DTD question, it'll be the case in your exam. I intentionally ignored DTD's when studying since someone mentioned there was only one question but I had quite a few on DTD's.
Definitely read up on XSL FO in the source above since there should be multiple questions on it. I found chap 18 of XML Bible very good at explaining FO's without being needlessly wordy. Since XSL FO isn't too hard, these are basically freebie questions if you take the time to read up on such an obscure topic.
Definitely do the IBM samples since there are some very similiar if not equivalent questions... hint, hint...
As for the actual test, I found the wording very confusing especially for the scenario questions. Either my English is really bad or they seem to be missing words... it took me a full hour to do a first pass.. I was expecting it would take me much less time going in...
Also, as with most certification tests, the hard questions are almost always first... so don't panic... like about 8 questions in, I thought I was in big trouble, but my results were ok.
Thanks again for the contributors in this forum!
one unrelated comment... collecting these certifications are addictive