I would like to ask involved experts if The Java(TM) Web Services Tutorial (as of December 17, 2003) would suffice for BETA exam preparation? Or a more advanced reading is required to successfully pass BETA exam? In latter case, which book would best complement Sun's tutorial? Thank you in advance! Seid [ March 22, 2004: Message edited by: Seid Myadiyev ]
Please note that I was not recommending those books for the certification! Having said that, I do believe they are one of the best for the certification exam as well. Another book you should take a look at is Ray Lai's J2EE Platform Web Services.
I think The Java(TM) Web Services Tutorial should be good enough for you to prepare the beta exam, if you really understand all the content in the tutorial.
Originally posted by Tong Chen: I think The Java(TM) Web Services Tutorial should be good enough for you to prepare the beta exam, if you really understand all the content in the tutorial.
I dont agree. It is good enough for the API section of the objectives.
Pradeep, I knew u would answer my question like this! I was expecting that, rather after posting the question i thought of deleting it, but caught into some other things! ....anyways thanks for ur advice... But hey u did not answer the question...what do u think about
would the tutorial + spec be enough for the certification ?
[ March 25, 2004: Message edited by: Rashmi Tambe ]
It should be good enough for the API section i.e. JAX-RPC, SAAJ etc but it does not cover security,XML schema,SOAP,WSDL,SOA architecture ,right? :roll:
Folks, we have a new forum for the Web Services Certification. I'm moving this post over there so that it can benefit to people taking the exam Please continue the discussion there. Thank you
Hi, Just want your views/comments on this book for SCDJWS: J2EE and XML Development by Kart A. Gabrick, David Weiss Does this book sufficiently cover all the Topics for the certification or one needs another book. I am not able to find: J2EE Web Services by Richard Monson-Haefel in India. Pls advise. Which book is the best one to follow and covers the complete syllabus.
SCJP1.4, SCWCD1.4 (preparing)
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