Originally posted by Buggi Sandhu:
Hi All,
While reading chap. on JAX-RPC mapping file I came across the below questions. Would be grateful if somebody could answer.
1.Light wt mapping is used when a fault msg def. has one part named "message" of type string.
Is this name="message" some keyword that has some special significance such that anything else e.g. name="message1" requires heavywt mapping?
No, I don't think so. 2.Page 723:- two faults are shown with the same name e.g. InvalidIsbnFault ...Could not understand what Richard is trying to illustrate by giving same name and making these two lines in the code bold.
BTW where exactly is the name element in case of input,output,fault elem. is utilised. I noticed throughout in the book that name appears sometimes and sometimes not but with fault it always appears.
this is a typo error obviously
3.For service-endoint-i/f mapping.why is there the need for giving wsdl-binding elemnet , when we are already specifying port which is associated with binding.
also confused here, does it mean that the save port can have diff binding?
4. Page 722 :- what exactly is the purpose of specifying qname-scope.Where does its impact can be seen?
if my understanding is correct, it just specify the mapping scope within the WSDL file. 5. In the WSDL chap.It has been mentioned that service elem has diff. ports each representing diff. web service???Is that so??
We can define diff ports having the same binding..or even if the binding is changed the porttype operation still remains same ..so is it not that the web service remains same??
no comments Thanks
[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: Lipman Li ]