I am new to WS. Am preparing for SCDJWS exam. I finished reading Part 1 and II of the RMH book - XML,
SOAP, WSDL. I skipped the part III(UDDI) - will do it a little later.
Now I have started Part IV - JAX RPC. Althrough out I am able to understand most of what is described in the book, but am not able to get the bigger picture. Especially because the book is too theoritical. Even while reading JAX RPC, I don't see any complete example which I can deploy and see the result.
I quickly went through the Part VII Deployment. Even this one doesn't give a complete example. I agree it is not tied to a vendor. But it is getting difficult for me to grasp. Do we have a 'Helloworld' webservice example.
Did anyone else face the same problem which I am facing.
Any ideas how to overcome this.