Original message:-
All of the local elements of a SOAP message must be namespace-qualified (prefixed with the SOAP 1.1 namespace), because the XML schema for SOAP 1.1 specifies the elementFormDefault attribute as "qualified".
Do you mean Schema for the SOAP/1.1 envelope having targetnamespace
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ It is true that this schema mandates local elements defined in this schema to be namespace qualified in an XML document, which means Header, Body and Fault need to be fully quanlified.
However this schema can no way restrict body element to contain XML fragment with fully qualified names, only SOAP specification or BP can do that.
Original message:-
In addition, the Basic Profile 1.0 requires that all the application-specific elements contained by the Body element must be qualified.BP Unqualified elements in a SOAP Body element create too much ambiguity as to the meaning and proper structure of elements.
True. That's what is mentioned in clause R1014 of BP , as i said in my initial post. It tells only about direct child of Body element, but nothing about Grand children.
In RMH, i have seen RPC style SOAP XML documents, in which GrandChildren are not fully-qualified. i assume that they are BP complaint SOAP message.