Micheal John
SCJP 1.4 (86%), SCWCD 1.4 (86%), SCBCD 1.3 (85%), SCDJWS (Just Started...) - Satisfaction Lies in Our EFFORT, Not in the ATTAINMENT
Originally posted by Micheal John:
I am learning Web Services in RMH book. If I want to take SCJDWS, then studying this book will cover all the objectives for the exam. We need to buy any other books/material specifically for exam objectives. Since, I think RMH book is not written specifically for SCJDWS exam.
Out of the 11 objectives, the J2EE Web Services book (Addison-Wesley) covers the first nine in detail. If you study the AW book, you'll be more than prepared for objectives 1 through 9. The only exceptions are Chapter 8, 10, and 11. chapter 8 is on security so you'll need to find a resource dedicated to Web services security. Chapters 10 and 11 cover design and architecture. The best resoure for that subject is probably the blue prints or a book on the subject � perhaps J2EE Web Service Patterns and the book that Inderjeet wrote (however that will not be out for a couple more months). The following is a detailed mapping of the test objectives to my book, J2EE Web Services (AW 2004) � I helped to write the test so I'm confident in this mapping.
Objective 1: XML Web Service Standards
You can learn everything you need for this part of the exam by studying Chapters 2 and 3.
Objective 2: SOAP 1.1 Web Service Standards
This part of the examine is covered in detail by chapter 4, Appendix E, and also Appendix D.
Objective 3: Describing and Publishing (WSDL and UDDI)
WSDL is covered in detail in Chapter 5. UDDI is covered in Chapters 6,7, and 8.
Objective 4: JAX-RPC
This is the core of Java web services in my opinion. Chapters 9 - 15 and Appendix G covers this subject in depth - perhaps more depth than you'll need but its worth the time.
Objective 5: SOAP and XML Processing APIs (JAXP, JAXB, and SAAJ)
Chapter 13 and Appendix F covers SAAJ in more detail than any of resource you'll find, including the specifications.
Chapters 20 and 21 cover SAX and DOM to level you will need. TrAX, which is also addressed by the test is not covered by my book nor is JAXB. A really amazing book on JAXP, IMO, is Processing XML with Java (AW) by Elliotte Rusty Harold. As far as JAXB goes, I'm not so sure.
Objective 6. JAXR
Chapters 16 - 19 cover JAXR completely.
Objective 7: J2EE Web Services
Well, this is the entire book. Chapter 1, however, provides a good overview and some perspective on the subject that will be necessary for the test.
Objective 8: Security
My book doesn't cover this subject in much depth. To be honest its a huge topic and one that probably requires a book on to itself. I have no recommendations for this test - I learned the subject by reading various specs. Perhaps someone else has a suggestion.
Objective 9: Developing Web Services
Again this is pretty much the whole book. If you read it you will be prepared for this section. You should make sure you read chapters 22, 23, and 24 which cover the deployment process in detail � I don't think there is any book or resource that covers this subject in more depth than those three chapters.
Objective 10: General Design and Architecture
This subject is really not covered by my book. My book is focused on the APIs and protocols, not architecture. I recommend that you read the blue prints and Inderjeet's book when it comes out � probably not in time for the beta unfortunately.
Objective 11. Endpoint Design and Architecture
Some of this is covered by my book but mostly you'll need to read the blue prints to prepare for it as well as other high level books on design and architecture.
If you cannot get a copy of my book, I would suggest that you start with Sun's J2EE 1.4 tutorial to start learning about JAX-RPC and other Web Service APIs. Its not the best tutorial in the world, but it a good place to start and will give you some hand's on experience.
Here is the link:
Specifically, I would focus my time on these chapters from the J2EE 1.4 tutorial:
Chapter 1: Overview
Chapter 2: XML
Chapter 4: JAXP
Chapter 5: SAX
Chapter 6: DOM
Chapter 8: JAX-RPC
Chapter 9: SAAJ
Chapter 10: JAXR
Chapter 32: Security
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
You will have noticed that I only recommend a few of the 30+ chapters. I tried to choose those chapters that focused on Web services, rather than JSP, EJB, JSF, etc. Having said that, you may need to read the Servlet chapter to understand JAX-RPC Service Endpoints - others will not. If you run into a topic you don't understand that is necessary to understanding one of the Web Services APIs, than you should go back and read that chapter. The assumption, however, is that people taking the test have a basic understanding of the J2EE architecture and its basic components (EJBs, Servlets, JSPs).
Micheal John
SCJP 1.4 (86%), SCWCD 1.4 (86%), SCBCD 1.3 (85%), SCDJWS (Just Started...) - Satisfaction Lies in Our EFFORT, Not in the ATTAINMENT
SCJP 5.0(84%), SCWCD 5.0(97%), SCDJWS 5.0(98%)
udaykumar maddigatla wrote:Hey,
I'm preparing for the SCDJWS exam. I'm unable to find the RMH book.
Will you please send me the pdf or doc version of the book to my email.
Here is my [email protected]
udaykumar maddigatla wrote:Hey,
I'm preparing for the SCDJWS exam. I'm unable to find the RMH book.
Will you please send me the pdf or doc version of the book to my email.
Here is my [email protected]
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SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.5
vani venkat wrote:Hi Mikalai
Does his reply of mapping objectives to chapters hold good for SCDJWS 5 as well? I donot think Chapter 9 to chapter 15 (which cover JAX-RPC) are required for version 5 exam.
Prabhat Kumar wrote:Dear All,
I am also planning to start preparation for Web Services certification (310-230). Does RMH book available in the market for j2ee 1.5 version or j2ee 1.4 ? Since i have to take the latest one i.e. Web services 5, can anyone please help me how to start?
With regards,
Prabhat Kumar.
Prabhat Kumar wrote:
i have read from several post in ranch that most of the chapters in RMH are still suitable for j2ee 1.5 version?
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