Hi Ranchers,
Cleared SCDJWS with 98%. The exam turned out to be easier than expected. I had prior experience of 2+ years with
J2EE Web Services so was familiar with quiet some stuff from the objectives.
Preparation time was 1 month and preparation material includes the following
1. RMH book - Read the Book twice, The first time through each and every page and 2nd time glimpsed through the pages. It's more of an reference book than a certification book.
2. MZ notes [Study Guide] - short and sweet notes which covers each and every objective and cumulates all the important points from all the specifications into a singe guide. It's a must read guide. I read it twice thoroughly.
3. MZ notes - It's more than the worth I paid for it to get them. Covers all the objectives and have detailed description of the answers
4. www.xyzws.com - Cool mock exam for preactice. I give 1 exam daily for the last 10 days and was falling within the bracket of 80 to 90%.
For JAXB, JAXP Security and Design
Patterns - MZ notes are more than sufficient for the exam.
Would like to thank MZ for his lovely notes!! I did not download any specifications or blue prints, because it's not in me to read those boring specs, I am a more of a Head First guy and would love if they come up with a HF-Web Service for the SCDJWS examination.
Rest, I did not practice any code from any chapter specifically, because I didn't feel the need so as I usually write Web Service [using Bea Weblogic 9.2] at job.
Would like to thank you all for the humble support!!
Spent my day at the
Cenrtal Park, New York City and enjoyed the bird watching
Dinesh Sundrani
SCJP 1.5 [86%]
SCWCD [95%]
SCDJWS [98%]
[ May 19, 2007: Message edited by: Dinesh Sundrani ]
[ May 19, 2007: Message edited by: Dinesh Sundrani ]