Hi Peer,
Just wanted to say thanks for your input.
Today I passed SCDJWS with 97% and all that I used to prepare were
1. RMH
2. MZ guide
3. MZ quiz (Thanks a ton MZ, keep up the good work)
I wanted to go through Blue prints too but didnt have enough time to brush it. I feel the only improtant thing from Blue prints which is not in RMH is the web services layers and their demarcation and fuctionaity. Which is sufficiently covered in MZ quiz.
I did try xyzws.com mock but for some reason didnt like it and stopped it with one mock exam and used that time to go through MZ guide and quiz once again.
Hope this info helps for new takers for exam.
One advise I would like to say any one taking this exam is, dont spend too much time as you might feel that the sylabus is exhaustive. And if you finish RMH and MZ that is sufficient. The missing things in RMH like security, JAXB are covered in MZ guide.
Thanks to God ( for giving me question from what I read) , MZ and Peer.
Thanks and Regards,