Though for the developer's exam passing the Programmer exam is a must. There is no such specification for the Architect exam. Here is the letter i got from the Sun representative in India which makes no mention of the need for being a Programmer.
The Enterprise
java Architech
Test is now available the test is
administered at the prometric test centers who are permitted to Administer Sun Certification.
The Enterprise java Architech Test contains three levels of
Certification, for you get certified you will have to undergo test on all the three levels on the same version and sucessfully complete it to be certified.
The cost for various levels are as below:
Level I = US$ 150 @ 45 Rs. 6975/-
LevelII = US$ 250 @ 45 Rs. 11625/-
LevelIII = US$ 150 @ 45 Rs. 6975/-
Please Make a DD in favour of Sun Microsystems India Pvt. Ltd. Payable at Bangalore for Rs. 6750/- ( 1st level of Enterprise Java Architech Test ) and
Send the DD at the address given below.
On completion of the level I test Please send us the DD for Level II & III,Along with the DD also enclose your Level I (Enterprise Java Architech Test) mark sheet with your email ID and Ph. No. mentioned on the reverse of the mark sheet.
On receipt of DD and mark sheet we will be sending you the test voucher and will be updating you certification database which will enable you to download you programming assignment within 48 hours.
Sun Educational Services
Sun Microsystems India Pvt. Ltd.
6th Floor, Divyashree Chambers
Off langford Road
Bangalore - 560 027
Board:91-80-229 8989 / 207 2223 - 38 Extn. 27654
Fax:91-80-223 1792
[email protected] ======================================================
> Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 21:46:51 -0700 (PDT)
Rahul P. Mahindrakar