<i>Franck Rasolo<br />Independent Consultant<br />London, UK</i>
"The man who knows how, will always find a place in life, but the man who knows why, will probably be his boss."
The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen all at once.
- Buckaroo Banzai
Vivek Viswanathan SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.6,SCJD,SCEA,SCWCD,IBM-484,IBM-486,IBM-141,Ms.NET C# 70-316,SCMAD, LPIC-I
Vivek Viswanathan SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.6,SCJD,SCEA,SCWCD,IBM-484,IBM-486,IBM-141,Ms.NET C# 70-316,SCMAD, LPIC-I
Vivek Viswanathan SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.6,SCJD,SCEA,SCWCD,IBM-484,IBM-486,IBM-141,Ms.NET C# 70-316,SCMAD, LPIC-I
Originally posted by Amanda Waite:
Hope this helps
Originally posted by Amanda Waite:
Hi Luke,
From what I've heard so far I'd say some have scored 100% on the sequence diagram section with only the 4 Use Cases that were documented and others have scored 100% with sequnce diagrams for all of the Use Cases on the Use Case diagram. I first thought that it was pointless trying to sequence a Use Case that didn't have a narrative or activity diagram but when I had finished the 4 primary Use Cases I felt that the system was sufficiently well defined that I could tackle the other Use Cases. So I did them all including separate diagrams for both of the major flows through Pay for Itinerary.
Assuming that because of my score everything that I say must be right is possibly a mistake. Firstly you'll probably interpret what I say in your own way and secondly you may be talking about something that has no right or wrong way because it's just not on Sun's "score sheet".
Whatever, the very best of luck with your submission.
Originally posted by Amanda Waite:
Hi Leon,
I used Together 4.2 for my assigment.
For reading, If you've passed part 1 then you probably already have the skills (or the books) needed to pass parts 2 & 3.
A few days before I submitted part 2 I got hold of a copy of the UML User guide by the Three Amigos and that helped clear some syntax poitns up. Most rely on UML "Distilled" by fowler which misses some of the subtleties that you can only find in a reference book. Sun will soon be publishing a book:
Hope this helps
Vivek Viswanathan SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.6,SCJD,SCEA,SCWCD,IBM-484,IBM-486,IBM-141,Ms.NET C# 70-316,SCMAD, LPIC-I
Vivek Viswanathan SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.6,SCJD,SCEA,SCWCD,IBM-484,IBM-486,IBM-141,Ms.NET C# 70-316,SCMAD, LPIC-I
Vivek Viswanathan SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.6,SCJD,SCEA,SCWCD,IBM-484,IBM-486,IBM-141,Ms.NET C# 70-316,SCMAD, LPIC-I
Vivek Viswanathan SCJP 1.2, SCJP 1.6,SCJD,SCEA,SCWCD,IBM-484,IBM-486,IBM-141,Ms.NET C# 70-316,SCMAD, LPIC-I
Thanks<br />Ram.
Originally posted by Amanda Waite:
Hi all,
Aftre my depressing email yesterday, you'll probably find this very hard to believe. I checked the Galton site for the nth time today and guess what, my score was there. I couldn't believe it and my heart raced as I focused in on the grade. It was 'P' and the number next top it was 100.
Yup, I passed with a score of 100%
I know you don't believe me, I don't even believe it. I admit, I worked hard on it but I felt that at times I'd just gone into too much detail.
I'd just had some really bad news that I was actually trying to sort out on the phone while I checked the web site. So my emotions were a bit of a mess.
Here's the report, Cut and Pasted from the web site:
This report shows the total points that could have
been awarded in each section and the actual
amount of points you were awarded. This
information is provided in order to give you
feedback on your relative strengths on a section
basis. The maximum number of points you could
have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class
Diagram (40 maximum) .......................... 40
Component Diagram (40 maximum) ...................... 40
Sequence/Collaboration Diagrams (20 maximum)
........ 20
I just need to get the result of the Web Component Developer Beta exam to see if I have the full set now.
Thanks for all of your support.
Did you see how Paul cut 87% off of his electric heat bill with 82 watts of micro heaters? |