The project deliverables for Part II consist of:
1) Create a class diagram. It is not necessary to provide each method name and attribute in the class.
2) Create a Component diagram that shows all of the
J2EE components used in the system and their interaction.
3) Create either a Sequence or Collaboration diagram for each use case provided.
Following the Unified Software Development Process, classes and collaboration diagrams are created from specified Use Cases, and Component diagrams are based on the collaboration and class diagrams. So do we make Collaboration Diagrams for the non-detailed Use Cases? What about classes? The detailed Use Cases only specify 4 of 14 Use Cases, and all 4 of these Use Cases are from a customer's point of view, not the Travel Agent.
So if I only work from the detailed Use Cases provided with the assignment, then I wouldn't have classes in my class diagram for the Travel Agent's application front end, nor would I have specific classes for dealing with the Frequent Flyer Miles infastructure.
What are our deliverables supposed to express? Only the Web application and backend dealing with the 4 detailed Use Cases, or our we supposed to have class diagrams for all other Use Cases?