1) I18n.
Java tutorial on i18n provided lot of information, on top of that it is good to know what are the java class/packages that support internalization and localization eg. DateFormat and some Stream class( i overlooked the second one)
2 questions on I18n.
2) JMS.
Java tutorial provide me much of the information.
i got 4 to 5 questions on the JMS
3) UML.
UML distilled is more then enough. But they may show you diagrams and asks you to identify it. or whether a message belongs to Class A or Class B such type of questions, be prepared for these kind of questions.
2-3 questions on the UML
4) Security.
I studied,
Applet FAQ, Three articles from the Java World.
5) Design
Studied the Definitions and the category they belong to, how they are utilized in
3 questions on Design Patterns
6) Common Architecture and legacy connectivity.
Please study the John Whites Note on Common architecture. Understand and think logically how each one will affect other. This logical thinking is necessary before you go to the exam.
7) EJB & J2EE
I studied Enterprise Java Beans by Richard Manson.
My field exp has helped me in answering some of the questions.
I hope this will help.
SMK Reddy