Originally posted by Kodo Tan:
Hi Herve
I refer to your comments "Instead, implement a "Customer CMP entity bean" but you map your persistent field related to creditcard and address with a DAO object."
Isn't this should be VO (Value Object) rather than DAO ?
Originally posted by Sanjay Bahal:
Hi Herve:
Where are the details on the - Composite/Aggregate entity bean pattern available.
Originally posted by Simon Lee:
Andy, my point was that $1m hardware for an Appserver was overkill. A Cluster of E450's would be fine for this kind of application.
Originally posted by Parag Bh:
Let me share my thought on DAO.
Around 70-80% of the customer/user will use the site for searching the flights. So I think Fast Lane reader will be ideal for searching the flights (read only data). As per blueprint, they are recommending accessing DAO directly from client/web tier. I am not too certain of directly accessing DAO from client tier. In the current scenario, even for search, I will use Stateless session bean � to DAO call. I do not see any reason for using entity bean for search. What do you suggest?
For creating/reserving seat, IMO it is good to use BMP (using DAO). By doing this we can utilize the infrastructure provided by Application server such as transaction management/data sharing. It is also advisable to use DAO since it is not a good idea to model entity bean for each of the domain classes (Segment/Flight/Equipment)
Any thought?
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