1. What type of firewall will you use to the validate the application protocol of a network
a. SSL
b. Packet Filters
c. Stateful packet Filters
d. Proxy
2. Which of the following is an optional step in establishing an SSL handshake?
a. Server side certificate validation by the client
b. client side certificate validation by the server
c. Generation of session keys for encryption and decryption
d. Selection of a suitable Cipher suite for encryption by the server and the client
3. Which of the following is true about SSL
a. SSL can be configured only on port 80
b. SSL can be configured only on port 443
c. SSL can be configured to work on any port above 1024
d. None of the above
4. Which of the following are true about load balancing methods?
a. DNS round robin method maps multiple IPs to a single host name
b. Hardware load balancing maps multiple IPs to a single host name
c. Hardware load balancing can potentially involve a single point of failure
d. DNS round robin is easy to setup than hardware load balancing.
e. DNS load balancing supports server affinity
f. Hardware load balancing supports server affinity
5. Which of the following are true about SSL?
a. SSL facilitates secure communication
b. SSL is a high level protocol and sits on top of HTTP
c. SSL is a low level protocol and sits below HTTP
d. SSL works only with HTTP
6. Which of the following is true about aggregation and composition?
a. Aggregation is a special type of composition
b. Composition is a special type of aggregation
c. Aggregation is represented in UML as a solid diamond
d. Composition is represented in UML as a solid diamond
7. Which of the following is true about HTTP?
a. HTTP is stateless
b. HTTP maintains state information between requests
c. HTTP is connectionless
d. HTTP is connection oriented
8. In
String pool is an example of which OO design
pattern a. Abstract Factory
b. Builder
c. Facade
d. Flyweight
9. Select the correct sentences from below
a. In the mediator pattern the individual Objects participating in the collaboration maintain direct references to each other
b. Facade pattern is used to provide a simple interface to a subsystem comprising of a large number of objects.
c. Memento pattern preserves Encapsulation boundaries whil exposing an object's internal state
d. State pattern is used for operations that have large number of conditional statements based on the Object's state
10. Windoze Inc has the following application scenario. There is a CORBA based Enterprise Information System that generates XML based reports from the data in the backend Database storage. The application middle tier comprises of CGI and Perl scripts that are responsible for transforming the XML based report into a user-readable HTML format. The requests for the web pages come from outside users over the internet. Which of the following
J2EE technology will be most suited for designing the application middleware?
a. Use EJB and servlets/JSP
b. Use
JDBC and Servlets/JSP
c. Use Servlets/JSP
d. All of the above
11. Which of the following are true about UML modeling?
a. UML permits representation of only ternary relationships between classes
b. UML permits representation of n-ary relationships between classes and 'n' can be any arbirary number
c. UML is a proprietary standard
12. Which of the following are true about encryption techniques?
a. Most commercial security products use the Prime Number Factorization techniques for generating the public and private key pairs
b. Public key cryptography is a more process intensive operation than symmetric key cryptography
c. Elliptic curve cryptography techniques require smaller encryption keys than that required for prime factorization, to provide an equivalent degree of Encryption strength
d. Elliptic key cryptography technique is a time tested method of encryption.
13. Which of the following are true about the Observer pattern ...
a. The subject is the publisher of the message and the Observer is the subscriber of the message
b. Observers can be dynamically added.
c. The Observer pattern supports broadcast communications
d. It promotes loose coupling between senders of messages and receivers of messages during
e. None of the above
14. An Iterator pattern provides which of the following features.
a. Access to an Aggregate object's contents
b. Multiple traversals of aggregate objects
c. an uniform interface for traversing different aggregate structures through
polymorphism d. all of the above
e. none of the above
15. Which of the following is used for deferring creation of expensive objects?
a. Proxy
b. Abstract Factory
c. Abstract method
d. Builder
[ March 04, 2002: Message edited by: Sridhar Raman001 ]
[ March 05, 2002: Message edited by: Sridhar Raman001 ]
[ March 05, 2002: Message edited by: Sridhar Raman001 ]
[ March 16, 2002: Message edited by: Sridhar Raman001 ]