Hi there,
I'm working on the Part II of
SCEA and having some questions about the
Login and Create Profile sequence diagrams.
Should I draw a separated sequence diagrams for Login and Create Profile use cases?
There are only four use case specifications come with the Part II assignment, and
Login and Create Profile specs are not included. In the alternative flows of Prepare
Itinerary use case, Login and Create Profile use case are executed. I think there
are two ways to draw the alternative flow sequence diagrams of Prepare Itinerary
use case:
1. Embed the Login or Create Profile use case in the alternative flow
sequence diagrams of Prepare Itinerary use case. This means that all the Login and
Create Profile logics are shown in the alternative flow sequence diagrams of Prepare
Itinerary, and no separated sequence diagrams for Login and Create Profile are needed.
2. Draw separated sequence diagrams for Login and Create Profile and label
them or put comments in the alternative sequence diagrams of Prepare Itinerary.
I could not find the standard way in sequence diagram to execute another use case
in UML.
Your comments and responses are greatly appreciated.