Hi Anil.
My advice for Part II is same as most of other people have already said and, that, is keep it simple.
They have changed the distribution just this month.
I had about 28-30 classes in my diagram, off which 22 or so were for
EJB tier and remaining for web-tier. First I did not want to include web tier at all, then I decided to go for it becuase I thought it explains my architecture much better.
You can add comments in the diagram where ever possible that will save the assessor from having to read the documents.
Component Diagram was a bit tricky for me because so far I have not really seen a standard way of drawing component diagrams, and different uml tools work differently in regards to component diagrams. Plus I did not really understand Sun's expectation on this one.
My sequence diagram was not very detailed either, i just included the major flow of messages between objects.
Before I actually got started on the assignment, It took almost three weeks to put pieces together in my head, I must have changed solutions a no of times before I could finalize on what i was going to do. It needs a lot of patience too.
Don't get frustrated a lot in the beginning, because you are going to need it when you get to the sequence diagram, now it will frustrate you even more because they have lowered the score too.
Hope this helps.
All in all, it has been a good experience doing this architect certification.