I passed part 1 today with a score of 87%.
Sections were:
Concepts 100%
Common Architechtures 66%
Legacy Connectivity 80%
EJB 88%
EJB Container Model %100
Protocols 100%
Applicability of J2EE 100%
Patterns 80%
Messaging 100%
Internationalization 100%
Security 50%
I used a technique which I would recommend to others. When you go over a question where the correct answer does not jump out at you, write down ABCDE in a column on the scratch paper they give you (make sure they give you scratch paper and lots of it). If an answer could be correct put a check by it, if it is definitely not correct put an X by it. This allows you to dump clearly wrong answers right away and focus on the shades of "correctness" for the remaining. There were a lot of questions where one answers was "right" but another one was "more right."
You have 1:15 to complete the
test. I used it all. I went through the test the first time with about 30 minutes to spare and marked any of the ones I wasn't totally certain about. The test engine allows you to mark any questions for later review. I used the remaining time to go back and have another look at the marked questions. The test engine has a "Review Marked" button that takes you back through just the marked questions. I did make changes to a number of them. Once I was done with the second pass I had enough time to make another quick pass through all questions to make sure I didn't do anything stupid.
Learn the answers to the mock questions supplied by Sun and make sure you understand the answers.
Overall the test adhered pretty closely to what I had studied. The objectives published by Sun and the information here is very accurate. I do recommend the Sun Study Guide, it covered a few things like protocols that are on the test and not covered concisely anywhere else.
I also took the Architect Fast Path at JavaOne. If you can do it then it will help you but you certainly don't have to do it to pass the test. Also the Fast Path also does *not* get you fully prepared in one day.
My Sources
Sun's Study Guide
Arch Fast Path
Oreilly EJB Book
UML Distilled and Learn UML in 24 hours
Gof4 Design Patterns Book
Weatherbee Notes
I would also say don't over-prepare. I only missed four questions out of 48. If I had studied for another month I don't think I would have done any better. I also think if I knew which questions I had missed I might be having a spirited arguement with Sun over the correctness of my answer right now.
Many thanks to the people here in this forum, you really were a great help to me. I'll try to provide what advice I can to people working on part I and I'll be asking for more help on part II.