I have some enquiries regarding the assignment...
I would like to complete this assignment within the next 2 weeks.
I will like to understand what the assignment is saying and get a
head start on my design...
The questions are
Questions on
J2EE architecture related
I am using together6 to generate the uml diagram and documentation.
Together6 has provide a nice view navigation
java applet where one
could navigate through a miniture picture view. Does anyone use this
feature for their final html documentation and yet pass the exam ?
I understand that we need to generate in general the following uml
diagram ,
1 x class diagram
1 x component diagram
4 x sequence diagram (since 4 use cases)
I would like the level of details required for each diagram.
Do we need to show the following ?
1) EJB home, remote and implementation bean class
2) Show any class method/attribute ? (I think instruction say
3) Show any kind of design
pattern, like Observer, proxy , delegation
pattern ?
4) Show
Servlet implemention class ? and how they linked
5) Can we show UI implementation package instead of class ? Since
there may a lot of class for UI, showing package encapsulate those
class ?
6) How to we model the transmaster API,Do we just show this
transmaster as a class or a package ?? Though I think package is a
better show...
7) How do the transmaster API spec affected the architecture ??
Question on business domain
FBN has a frequent flyer mileage system that has a web interface
bind by Perl, html, cgi and oracle database that is not accessible
to travel agent and customer. Does that imply the system is using a
intranet/extranet ?
Does all travel agents reside in FBN single building only ? Or that
FBN travel agent is scattered around the country but each of them
are given a 3270 terminal to hook up with information system of
FBN ? and given a pc running a graphical browser to access mileage
system ?
What is exactly itinerary stand for ?
The assignment mention that Transmaster has commited to have their
site available 99.99%. What does it mean by 'their site' ??
I though what they have is just API not website where they process
credit card ??
5) The following question is derived from the business domain model.
How does a customer related to itinerary ?
and what exactly is segment ? and its relationship with flight ?
How is it that equipment is linked with the seats
Thank for your attention...