Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Posted by Seid Myadiyev:
I decided not to do Part 2 at this time, but instead wait till the new version of J2EE Architect exam is released to do SCEA Part 2 and 3 in the new light.
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Originally posted by jiang jusheng:
Thanks! Seid,
but I means where can download
electronic versions of these books.
Sanjay Raghavan<br />SCJP2, SCEA-J2EE<br />Moderator - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">SCEA PREP</a><br />Co-Author - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">SCEA@Whiz</a><br /><i>Where did you sip your Java Today?</i>
Originally posted by Seid Myadiyev:
I passed SCEA for J2EE Part 1 with 75%!
To tell you frankly I was quite surprised to see my score. When we received the Score Report, my wife was very happy and was congratulating me but I was feeling a little disappointed with my result. Nothing was wrong with the exam, of course; it’s just that before the exam I felt like I was very well prepared and ready to score not less than 90%. Later I became happier because the knowledge and insight I gained in the process of preparation proved to be very valuable and because SCEA Part 1 was already behind me. Also later I felt I new which questions I answered wrong.
I gave 3 months to my preparation.
I used the following books:
1. Enterprise JavaBeans (by Richard Monson-Haefel)
2. Applied Java Patterns (by Stephen A. Stelting, Olav Maassen)
3. SCEA for J2EE Study Guide (by Mark Cade)
4. UML Distilled (by Martin Fowler)
Here is my Examination Score Report:
Common Architectures_____16%
Legacy Connectivity______40%
EJB container Model______100%
Applicability of J2EE____66%
Design Patterns__________100%
I studied all books in great detail because my goal was really to gain knowledge.
I also printed 4 sets of most popular Exam Notes and articles to refer to in addition to the ones I have compiles myself. And I also purchased SCEA@Whiz to get a good practice answering exam questions.
While practicing with SCEA@Whiz I never scored less than 81% in any of the 6 tests it had. To me, quite a few actual SCEA exam questions seemed to be easier than Whiz tests but at the same time quite vague. Almost all questions that I got wrong were related to Legacy Systems whatever subsection they formally belong to -- Legacy Connectivity, Common Architectures, EJB or J2EE Applicability. Another question that I got wrong asked to define and describe in details “service-to-service”.
I decided not to do Part 2 at this time, but instead wait till the new version of J2EE Architect exam is released to do SCEA Part 2 and 3 in the new light. In the meantime I will pursue my J2EE Web Component Developer and J2SE Developer certification tracks.
I would like to suggest to everyone to go ahead to pursue SCEA for J2EE! I learnt many new things and feel much more confident.
If you have any questions please let me know – I am very much willing to answer.
I used the following books:
1. Enterprise JavaBeans (by Richard Monson-Haefel)
2. Applied Java Patterns (by Stephen A. Stelting, Olav Maassen)
3. SCEA for J2EE Study Guide (by Mark Cade)
4. UML Distilled (by Martin Fowler)
Leyong T
Congrats Seid.. I have a question for you. I have 6 years experience programming in various languages like C, C++, Java, Perl, Lotus Domino and VB. I recently passed SCJP2 with 88%. Can I clear SCEA Part 1 in the next 4 - 6 months. What is your advise ?
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
Which edition for Monson-Haefel and Martin's book ?
Seid Myadiyev<br />SCJP, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA-Part 1
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