Which one of the following statements correctly describes the differences between CMP and BMP entity beans related to finder methods?
Choice 1
CMP finders return a primary key or a Collection of EJBObjects. BMP finders return a primary key or a Collection thereof.
Choice 2
CMP finders return only a Collection of primary keys. BMP finders return only a Collection of EJBObjects.
Choice 3
CMP finders return an EJBObject or a Collection thereof. BMP finders return a primary key or a Collection thereof.
Choice 4
CMP finders return a primary key or a Collection thereof. BMP finders return an EJBObject or a Collection thereof.
Choice 5
CMP finders return only a Collection of EJBObjects. BMP finders return only a Collection of primary keys.
Which one of the following is NOT true about the finder methods of a local home interface for a BMP entity bean?
Choice 1
Finder methods must be declared public.
Choice 2
Finder methods must throw ObjectNotFoundException.
Choice 3
Finder method names must start with the prefix "find."
Choice 4
The entity bean can declare only one findByPrimaryKey method.
Choice 5
Finder methods must return an EJBLocalObject or a collection thereof.
4.After serializing an
EJB object handle, which one of the following methods is used to re-acquire the EJB object from a serialized handle?
Choice 1
Choice 2
Choice 3
Choice 4
Choice 5
Given the above deployment descriptor fragment, which one of the following describes the behavior of this bean?
Choice 1
The bean uses a custom primary key.
Choice 2
The bean is forced to passivate after ten seconds.
Choice 3
The bean implementation class is not part of a
Java package.
Choice 4
This bean may execute without a transaction context.
Choice 5
This bean is re-entrant.
What deployment descriptor information is only changed by the Bean Provider?
Choice 1
Relationship role source element
Choice 2
Environment entries
Choice 3
Relationship names
Choice 4
Binding of enterprise bean references
Choice 5
Message-driven bean message selector
Which one of the following statements correctly describes the function of the <message-selector> element in the MDB deployment descriptor?
Choice 1
It specifies which type of messages (TextMessage, StreamMessage, etc.) will be routed by JMS to the MDB.
Choice 2
It specifies a regular expression used by JMS to determine which messages to route to the MDB.
Choice 3
It specifies which message header properties are selected by the container to be passed to the MDB.
Choice 4
It specifies the SQL-92 compatible query used by JMS to determine which messages to route to the MDB.
Choice 5
It specifies an Object Query Language (OQL) compatible query used by JMS to determine which messages to route to the MDB.
In order to publish a MapMessage to a Topic, a JMS client has to use a set of helper JMS objects.
Referring to the scenario above, which one of the following is a correct sequence to look up and create the JMS helper objects?
Choice 1
Topic, TopicConnectionFactory, TopicConnection, TopicPublisher, TopicSession, MapMessage
Choice 2
TopicConnectionFactory, TopicConnection, TopicSession, TopicPublisher, MapMessage, Topic
Choice 3
Topic, TopicConnectionFactory, TopicSession, TopicConnection, MapMessage, TopicPublisher
Choice 4
TopicConnectionFactory, TopicConnection, TopicSession, MapMessage, Topic, TopicPublisher
Choice 5
Topic, TopicConnectionFactory, TopicConnection, MapMessage, TopicSession, TopicPublisher
[ March 03, 2003: Message edited by: Timber Lee ]
[ March 04, 2003: Message edited by: Timber Lee ]