Currently, i guess there is
EJB 1.1 in Part I and
you are free to use EJB 2.0 for part II/III.
I've met senior
Java architects recently in a Sun Java Center, and they told me that current SCEA part I is already EJB 2.0 included in J2EE1.3, which I doubt it is true. Indeed, if you read through all the postings in any SCEA newsgroups, you gfind out that current examination is still EJB 1.1, which is worthless...
The big question is : which version of J2EE standards is selected for the SCEA? Is it now J2EE1.3 with EJB2.0 ? Sun is not even able to show the current version in their
objectives, and I feel only a few guys in this company know which version is on the line.
I've heard that J2EE1.4 certif will be released this summer. They often postpone it, which increase the gap between the certif version and the standards on the markets.
Sun looses too much energy fighting against Microsoft, and should concentrate more on the certifications, the courses, the standards....
[ April 08, 2003: Message edited by: Big Fred ]