I have been working in the
Java realm for a few years and also have extensive in C++ and was once a member of that "other religion."
Currently doing lots of work with
Struts, Web Services (RPC- and Message-style)
and XML. I have a great love for computer science and in particular distributed computing.
I am a
SCJP and shortly should become be a
SCJD. By the end of the summer I envisage taking my SCWCD exam, at which time I will begin my quest for the ultimate prize, the
My question is that I hope to be prepared for the late fall, what advice on long-term preparation would you suggest? Even if some topics are not required of the exam, I still hope to learn to be the best EA I can be.
Certain weaknesses I feel I have is clustering, performance tuning, and
unit testing. Any suggestions?