Thanks guys.
About the preparation, Mark Cade book gives a very good overview of the topics needed for the exam. I also read the other book by Bambara (I dont remember the full title). I did not find it very impressive and felt there were few mistakes but there were definitely some points I could learn and given the number of topics covered in the exam, it has lot of information in one place.
The resources link that I think Ajith posted here helped a lot. And (I am not being disloyal to this group
) you could find so much notes made by folks who prepared for the exam on yahoo user group scjea. Discussion threads here also is a good source.
Regarding the time and experience, I took around a couple of months to prepare and I have had some experience playing the role of an architect. And I feel the time needed for preparation depends solely on your experience and amount of time you can spend everyday. Bhargavi and Billy, given that you are certified web component developers, I think it should be very easy. PartI is really mile wide and inch deep. The next parts I am sure will be tough.
Hope that helps.