I'm wondering how to show a combination of a session bean and a collection of local entity beans (with CMR) in the deployment diagram.
I'll try to explain the situation with an example:
The Petstore contains a number of customer related classes (Customer, Account, Profile, ContactInfo, CreditCard, Address). Say (different from the Petstore) I have defined a CustomerManager session
EJB that acts as a facade for all these related classes that are implemented as local entity beans with CMR. How do I show this in a component diagram?
My first approach is to show this as a package (subsystem) called Customer and attach an interface to this package (lollipop) that represents the local (or remote) interface of the CustomerManager session bean as this is the entry point. The session EJB and the entity EJB are shown inside this package as components. There are depencencies from the session bean to the entity beans.
-Is this as valid/reasonable approach?
-Do I have to show dependencies between the entity EJBs?
-Does anyone have another approach??
A related question:
Do I have to show the entity EJBs in the sequence diagrams or is it suffient to keep the sequence diagrams at the facade level?