I have been preparing the exam for the
scea phase 1,and I also have took
some mock exams.Some questions in the mock exams puzzled me a lot,so I want to consult you.Thanks in advance.
1. Which of the following is not an optional step in establishing an SSL handshake?
a. Server side certificate validation by the client
b. client side certificate validation by the server
c. Generation of session keys for encryption and decryption
d. Selection of a suitable Cipher suite for encryption by the server and the client
The correct answer is b ,but I don't know why?I think all steps are needed.
2. Which of the following are true about SSL?
a. SSL facilitates secure communication
b. SSL is a high level protocol and sits on top of HTTP
c. SSL is a low level protocol and sits below HTTP
d. SSL works only with HTTP
The correct answer is a,b,but I think the SSL sits on top of TCP,and below of HTTP.
3. Which of the following is used for deferring creation of expensive objects?
a. Proxy
b. Abstract Factory
c. Abstract method
d. Builder
The correct answer is a,but I think the
pattern of Proxy may create objects to deal with something.But not always and with no relation to deferring.The correct answer should be b.
4. In CMP Entity Beans, which of the following statements is true?
a. The Entity Bean Class should not define any constructors
b. The Entity Bean class must define a no-argument constructor
The correct answer is a,but why?The Entity Bean Class may defind a lot
of create method with different arguments.
5. Is ejbPassivate() invoked by the container when ejbRemove() is invoked?
a. true
b. false
I think the correct answer is b.
6. In EJBs, Which two callback methods can be used for synchronizing the bean's state with the database
a. ejbStore() and ejbLoad()
b. ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate()
c. ejbStore() and ejbPasivate()
d. ejbLoad() and ejbActivate()
The correct answer is b,but I think the correct answer should be a.
7. When does an Entity Bean transition from Pooled State to Ready state
a. when create() is invoked on EJBHome
b. when a find method is invoked on EJBHome
c. when a BEan is activated by the container
d. when a BEan is passivated by the container
one of the correct answers is b,but I think a find method don't bring the Entity Bean from Pooled State to Ready state .
8. Which of the following are true about load balancing methods?
a. DNS round robin method maps multiple IPs to a single host name
b. Hardware load balancing maps multiple IPs to a single host name
c. Hardware load balancing can potentially involve a single point of failure
d. DNS round robin is easy to setup than hardware load balancing.
e. DNS load balancing supports server affinity
f. Hardware load balancing supports server affinity
one of the correct answers is c,but I think there are at least two servers to implements the hardware load balancing ,why it will potentially involve a single point of failure .