Hi all,
the reason why I created a new topic, is to gather the general information about the preparing for the
SCEA exam for the newcomers, as myself
I would encourage you to modify/extend this message so that someone who needs only the summary of this topic does not need to browse through each mail.
how much time it is needed to get prepared for each part a.) I heard of one person with those skills (plus knowledge of the airline industry) who completed the assignment in two weeks. Most people take considerably longer.
- UML, requirement analysis, design
patterns should be learnt first (
Andrew Monkhouse)
how complex the second part of the exam is a.) put your brief opinion here including your name
what are the books that are really helpful for the exam a.) Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for
J2EE Technology Study Guide by Mark Cade, Simon Roberts
b.) Mastering Enterprise Beans" by Ed Roman
c.) Enterprise
Java Beans by Richard Monson - 4th edition, last 4 chapters outstanding
1st Edition - EJB 1.0
2nd Edition - EJB 1.1 & 1.0 <--- Out of print
3rd Edition - EJB 2.0 <--- Currently at the bookstores
4th Edition - EJB 2.0 & 2.1 <--- Beta at theserverside. Download!
d.) Design Patterns by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides
e.) you can write your recommendation here
where can we find free and commercial tests a.)
Javaranch mails: Does it worth buying Whizlabs Mocks?b.) you might put a link here
UML tools a.)
Javaranch Mails about argouml b.) EclipseUML
Before submitting this topic I have already contacted Andrew and some others in a private way, and he advised to share our conversation with the other forum members.
Sorry if this new topic overlaps some questions from other topics.
Best wishes,
Hi Andrew,
Could you please tell me how complicated the second part of the scea is and how much time do people usually spend on it?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Hi Dora,
This question should reallt be raised in the forum - that is what the forum is there for. Plus you will get several people's opinion - not just mine.
If you are already an architect - that is, you currently take users basic requirement concepts and develop technical requirements and build UML diagrams for the proposed solutions - then you will find this assignment very easy. I heard of one person with those skills (plus knowledge of the airline industry) who completed the assignment in two weeks.
Most people take considerably longer. I would hazard a guess that someone who is only just starting their career as an architect, and who doesnt know the airline industry could probably complete the assignment in two months full time.
If you also have to learn how to create UML diagrams and how to go from one diagram to another, and how to translate vague user requirements into UML diagrams, then it could take longer.
Regards, Andrew
[ January 09, 2004: Message edited by: Dora Gal ]